Sunday, September 03, 2006

Oliver Cowdry - A Witness to The Book of Mormon

Oliver Cowdery, one of the eleven witnesses to the creation of the Book of Mormon and of those was one of the 3 special witnesses that saw an Angel of the Lord. A man who left the church and rejoined but never denied the truthfulness of Gods word. Not once. What a testimony of the Restoration of Gods words in these latter days.


rick b said...

He saw an angel, this makes the BoM true?

The Bible says there are lying spirits waiting to decive. Also the Bible says, the devil can come in the form of an angel of light.

I doubt he was on Drugs, but people who do drugs see things many times, People who also are involved in occult practices see things to. Again, just because he saw an angel does not equel truth. Rick b

Wer62 said...


It is more than just seeing an angel. It is the entire process. it is more likely you have been decieved by man than Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith were decieved by a false angel of light.

Just simply looking at the evidence against the Trinity for example one has to wonder why you or anyone would follow this doctrine developed and persueded by of a pagan man. Anyone not agreeing with this doctrine was dealt with harshly including death. Talk about not doing it the Lords way. Yet you deny the Book of Mormon because some saw an Angel? Please. There are ways to decern from a good Angel verses a bad one. Perhaps you can find that in the D&C and let me know that you have really studied it out in your mind instead of must a one sided mindless robot saying Mormons are Bad..
